FCCT screens censored version of censored film

February 19, 2009

FCCT screens censored version of censored film

We were very much looking forward to seeing director Junji Sakamoto’s film, ‘Children of the Dark’ (闇の子供たち Yami no Komodachi). The film was made in Thailand as a fictionalised look at the hidden world of child prostitution and paedophilia.

The subject matter was deemed too controversial and the film was withdrawn by the Bangkok International Film Festival last year.

Based  on the book ‘Blood and Bones’ by Japan-based Korean author Sogil Yan, “acclaimed Japanese director Sakamoto, noted for his insightful and intense human dramas, creates a  film that deeply moves and disturbs.”

‘Children of the Dark’ was premiered uncut at the prestigious Karlovy Vary festival (held annually in the Czech Republic) and was also screened at the Hawaii International Film Festival.

However, even the august and respected Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand has made three cuts to ‘Children of the Dark’, presumably with the director’s consent, and to protect Thai sensibilities.

FACT finds such self-censorship appalling and cowardly. If the FCCT will not stand up for truth and substance, who will?

We won’t be going, and will wait until we can see the entire film.

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